Dear Friends and Family,
It is our utmost pleasure to announce that our new office is currently being built at 17071 Ventura Blvd, Encino. Located 1.5 miles East of our current office (cross street is Amestoy ave), we are thrilled for this new opportunity to serve you. Because of your support and loyalty, we are now able to expand our office to 6 chairs and be in our own facility.
Six years ago my dad built the current office to expand and incorporate the latest technology available into his practice. When I joined the practice, we began running at full capacity and even though challenging at times, thanks to your patience, we have been able to treat you effectively and on time. By moving into our own, more dedicated space, we will be able to fully optimize all of our capabilities.
Dentistry has come a long way in the last 6 years, and we are very excited to show you our brand new equipment and technology. Our Encino office will be state of the art, helping us serve you with the best materials and techniques available. Our projected move in date is the beginning of August, 2011. Please keep a lookout for future postcards and emails with our firm move in date and complete directions to our new office in Encino!
I wanted to personally thank you for your support through out my Dad's career, and the first 2 years of my career. We consider all of our patients as part of our family, and we are excited to continue this special relationship into the future.
Dr. Yoni Howard, Dr. Alan Howard and all the staff